Dragon Con

My husband and I had a great time at Dragon Con this year.  My two sisters and my niece went as well.

Why go? I love the costumes, yes, but I love the various tracks created for writers. It’s a great way to network, learn about what’s happening in YA, Urban Fantasy and Fantasy literature.

I have yet to make it to Comic Con, but look forward to braving that one day.  Here are some photos from previous Dragon Con years.






All photographs copyright Isabelle Hardesty 2016.

Please email me at: isabellehardesty (@) gmail dot com with any questions or comments.


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Isabelle Hardesty is a writer of young adult fantasy.

She enjoys writing about characters who are like people you know and people you want to know.

Isabelle lives in Seattle with her husband and son. She loves being with her family, eating chocolate, and connecting with readers. When she is not writing, you can find her either researching for her next book or painting.