About Isabelle Hardesty
Isabelle Hardesty is a writer of young adult fantasy. She enjoys writing about characters who are like people you know and people you want to know.
Atlanta is home to Isabelle, her husband, and son. She loves being with her wonderful family, eating chocolate and connecting with fabulous readers. When she is not writing, you can find her either researching for her next book or painting.
THE WITCH OF BELLE FLEUR is a story in which a girl knows that magic exists, but as a new telenovela actress, her family’s old secret of magic doesn’t fit into her life—she’d much rather focus on the magic of the television studio than the spells that await her in the swamps in South Florida
Entries by Isabelle Hardesty
Print books and ebooks
by Isabelle HardestyThere are some people who are devout print book readers, while others sing the praise of the ebook. For print book fans, the feel of the pages are one of the things they enjoy. Many readers talk of the smell of the pages. Some say the weight of the book in their hands just feels […]
Discover 4 Ways Readers Like to Organize their Bookshelves
by Isabelle HardestyYou have the BEST collection of books in your bookshelf. Some have been given to you as gifts by loved ones. You’ve purchased some of these books yourself, after a glowing recommendation from a friend. Others have been signed by your favorite authors. So, how is your bookshelf organized? Here are some different ways […]
How to Use Twitter as an Amazing Resource for Writers by Isabelle Hardesty
by Isabelle HardestyYour manuscript is finished, now what? It’s edited and polished… don’t let it gather dust. This is for writers who want to get their manuscript in the hands of agents or publishers. No one wants their beloved manuscript to sit in a literary agent or publisher’s Inbox, gathering cobwebs. Twitter pitch events are an excellent […]
So much to be Thankful for
by Isabelle Hardestyby Isabelle Hardesty This Thanksgiving I am so thankful for my wonderful family. It’s humbling to have so much to be thankful for. This year, I am also thankful for the writing community who are so generous and helpful. I was able to finally get published this year, thanks to Gilded Dragonfly Books. My short […]