Tag Archive for: #MSWL

So much to be Thankful for

by Isabelle Hardesty

This Thanksgiving I am so thankful for my wonderful family.  It’s humbling to have so much to be thankful for.

This year, I am also thankful for the writing community who are so generous and helpful. I was able to finally get published this year, thanks to Gilded Dragonfly Books. My short story, Jade’s Awakening was featured in Legends of the Dragon, Vol. 

I have attended several years of Dragon Con with my husband and sisters and found myself attending most of the writers’ workshops. I enjoyed the other panels which featured actors, however, I was fascinated and inspired by the people who created the worlds in which the actors worked.

This year I also found the benefit of Twitter as a learning platform. I’ve mined Twitter for knowledge and learned about #Pitmad  #Pitchmas  #Mockpit #MSWL  #NANOWriMo

I look forward to learning so much more as I continue my magical journey as a writer.





Isabelle Hardesty

Fantasy Writer


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Isabelle Hardesty is a writer of young adult fantasy. She enjoys writing about characters who are like people you know and people you want to know.

Isabelle lives in Seattle with her husband and son. She loves being with her family, eating chocolate, and connecting with readers. When she is not writing, you can find her either researching for her next book or painting.

Stay connected:

Isabelle Hardesty’s Website

