Tag Archive for: spring

Mango Batido Recipe Inspired by The Witch of Belle Fleur


In my book, The Witch of Belle Fleur, there are several delicious Caribbean foods and drinks that I added to celebrate my heritage . One that is easy to make is the Mango Batido.

Blend, and be sure to add a pop of fun with a tiny umbrella, a slice of orange, or something that makes you smile!

What batido can you create with the fruits you may have in your kitchen today?


Isabelle Hardesty has always had a love of magic and nature and weaves this into her books. Hardesty is an award winning art educator and is currently working on several creative projects. Her favorite things include Dragon Con, silly socks and yummy chocolate. She lives with her family in the Pacific Northwest. Hardesty is a Miami native and writes OWNVOICES work.



Jump into Spring with a New Book!

I am so happy that SPRING is around the corner! Last year I visited the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival. It was breathtaking. It was a celebration of color and flowers.  My toddler loved running through the tulip fields and yelling, “Towips!”

What’s your favorite spring flower?

I am so excited about The Witch of Belle Fleur coming out soon! Woo hoo! Click here to pre-order your copy today!











What I’ve been busy with — 

I recently blogged about Five Reasons We Love Telenovelas. I hope you enjoy the post.  I remember watching telenovelas with my mother and sisters. We laughed and cried together.

In my novel, The Witch of Belle Fleur, Juliette is a telenovela actress and a witch! It’s amazing how life inspires authors to create characters and plots!

The Witch of Belle Fleur has had a long journey on its way to my readers’ hands. It has received three book contracts and after much thought,

I decided to go indie! If you’re interested in reading about my book’s journey, please read a guest blog post I wrote for Women In Publishing.


Quote I LOVE — 

“Love makes your soul crawl from its hiding place.”
Zora Neale Hurston 


Please email me at: isabellehardesty (@) gmail dot com with any questions or comments.


Related blog posts by Isabelle you may enjoy:

Pre-order your copy of The Witch of Belle Fleur today!









Isabelle Hardesty is a writer of young adult fantasy.

She enjoys writing about characters who are like people you know and people you want to know.

Isabelle lives in Seattle with her husband and son. She loves being with her family, eating chocolate, and connecting with readers. When she is not writing, you can find her either researching for her next book or painting.